Cos'è il ginseng - copia - copia

What is
Korean red Ginseng?

Ginseng is a natural shrub whose root has properties considered beneficial to humans.

Campi di Ginseng - copia

Red Ginseng Fields

The Korean red ginseng is cultivated with a care without equal: selection of the most suitable land according to the climate and soil characteristics; cultivation of roots for 6 years (development under the soil); It is the long cultivation and care process to get only the best roots of Ginseng ...

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The first online store specialized in Korean Red Ginseng

Nr. 1 manufacturer of original Korean Red Ginsengdi Ginseng 100% pure

Ginseng is a natural root also known as the “root of life”.
Its properties are confirmed by thousands of studies around the world.
Our Korean Red Ginseng is the best currently on the market as it is 100% pure and derived from the roots of ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer) grown with care for 6 years (GOLD quality).

Original products from South Korea

All of our Red Ginseng products are original, directly from South Korea.
We carry a wide variety of high quality products that are certified and notified to the Italian Ministry of Health

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Suitable for all ages

It can be taken as a natural dietary supplement with no toxic effects on the body, suitable for all ages (men, women, students, athletes, the elderly).

Here are some of the most important effects of Korean Red Ginseng:

a NATURAL tonic and energizer

can help STRENGTHEN the immune system

can help REDUCE stress and neurosis

can help with BLOOD pressure regulation

can help to ENHANCE physical performance

can help IMPROVE mental performance

can help COMBAT premature aging

may IMPROVE sexual life

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